New Look Laser College Visits the Dallas Art and Tattoo Show

Laser Tattoo Removal Certification
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This past weekend, the Dallas Art and Tattoo Expo took place at Fair Park and representatives from New Look Laser College were there to meet tattoo artists and tattoo shop owners to explain how getting certified and adding laser tattoo removal to their current tattooing services can help them make more money.

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After spending 3 days there talking with tattoo artists and tattoo shop owners from around the United States, we heard a number of similar questions about laser tattoo removal and the process for getting certified to practice laser tattoo removal. The most commonly asked questions by tattoo shop owners about the process of laser tattoo removal were:

We also had a lot of people coming up to us and asking about where they could go to have a tattoo removed utilizing laser tattoo removal. Their questions from a patient’s’ point of view centered around:

If you are a tattoo artist or tattoo shop and have questions about laser tattoo removal or the business of laser tattoo removal, you can view the New Look Laser College course schedule here or set up a time to talk.