Recap of June Laser College in Dallas and Amsterdam
New Look Laser College, the training division of Astanza Laser, was busy this past June holding two courses, within a week of each other, on two different continents. We had a session in Dallas (June 9 – 10th) and one in Amsterdam (June 16 – 17th) with almost a dozen people in attendance.
Because we focus so much on actual, hands-on training, we make sure to limit class sizes to ensure that each person in attendance receives ample time to use the tattoo removal laser on actual patients and become comfortable with the procedure.

Dallas laser college attendees with their Certified Laser Specialists certificates
One of the fun things that we like to do with attendees of our Dallas class is to treat them to some authentic Memphis style barbeque from Baby Back Shak, located just down the block from our Dallas location. It’s a welcome break from classroom learning and gives everyone a better chance to get to know each other.
Format of the Classes
The format of the class is broken up into several main parts: the basics of laser tattoo removal, the topic of laser physics, the business of laser tattoo removal and hands-on time in the clinic with patients. The goal of our laser tattoo removal training course is to provide each person in attendance with the understanding and confidence to not only explain procedures to potential clients but also skillfully perform laser tattoo removal services when these clients return home.
Because of this exclusive focus on laser tattoo removal, our course is well-known as the “go-to” course for medical professionals, experienced entrepreneurs, and leading tattoo artists that want the premier laser tattoo removal course.
Upcoming New Look Laser College Courses
If you missed one of our June classes, we have a few upcoming classes in Dallas on July (28-29th), September (23-24th) and November (3-4th). We don’t have additional classes scheduled in Europe for 2017, but we are collecting names for future European classes. If you’re interested in a class in Europe, feel free to contact us and we can add your name to the list.
Dallas, Texas
July 28-29 (Friday/Saturday)
September 23-24 (Saturday/Sunday)
November 3-4 (Friday/Saturday)
Amsterdam – 2018 Course Schedule TBD
About New Look Laser College
New Look Laser College is the first laser training program in the world devoted exclusively to providing instruction in laser tattoo removal and Q-switched lasers.
New Look Laser College offers a laser tattoo removal training program that has both a high quality of instruction and high relevance to the realities of business and patient care. Our 2-day training course is devoted exclusively to laser tattoo removal, and our training clients select our training program because they know they want to perform this procedure after the most practical and realistic experience possible.